(noun) Used only in the singular, though holding within it a vast plurality. In some usage indicating a small group of people being the repository of a vast knowledge, usually artistic or cultural. There being also the sense of this knowledge as essential to a full life; in Greek Epicurean sense of a good life, within and without, in the city and in the soul, and Aristotelian exploration of eudemonia (εὐδαιμονία), happiness through the cultivation of well-being and human flourishing. The word thus contains a very strong sense of the necessity of artistic/cultural elements in the development of the life and health of the individual, communities and society.
(noun) One who may direct others in the great cultural quest. Generally taken as leading a group of culturapedes. Also one who connects all the various agencies, artistic traditions and needs of communities and individuals in the search for cultural development.
First usage January 2011. For etymology read Culturapedia definition.